My first experience of bioresonance The back story: October 2010 When my second daughter was born, all was well. Just a couple of months later, she was covered in eczema from head to toe. She was hot, itchy, cross and uncomfortable in body and soul. I tried everything including homeopathy, spiritual healing and conventional treatments for several months with only limited results. I knew that my pregnancy had been stressful so there was some emotional trauma in the aetiology and there was an inherited predisposition as I had had eczema as a young … [Read more...] about Quest for the Qest4: A story of bioresonance
Getting enough Protein in a Vegetarian Diet
Before you assume I’m some kind of accomplished vegetarian, I’m not. (Because here I am writing about getting enough protein in a vegetarian diet). Actually, I failed miserably at being vegetarian; not because I didn’t try, but because my body just didn’t suit that kind of diet. I didn’t want to admit the shameful truth to myself, even after doing my best to ignore the sinfully amazing smells emanating from every chicken shop I walked past, that made my mouth water in desperate craving. Even when I put on twelve kilos, my hair started falling out and my nails … [Read more...] about Getting enough Protein in a Vegetarian Diet
Exploding myths about homeopathy. Ty Bollinger says “I’ve never heard this before”
Exploding myths about homeopathy: Ty Bollinger interviews Dr Rajendran with the planes flying overhead, at the Bangkok airport. It doesn’t stop Ty Bollinger from getting in there and asking some big questions. This is the raw unedited interview ahead of the next Truth About Cancer in April 2019. Warning: for some people there are more than a few hard truths and surprises in this interview. Reproduced here with permission of Ty Bollinger via Dr Rajendran. They talk for 36 minutes and it's worth listening to because you will really get to understand why Ty has … [Read more...] about Exploding myths about homeopathy. Ty Bollinger says “I’ve never heard this before”
That Time of the Month: Period Pain and Homeopathy
What do you call yours? Growing up as a teenager in the UK we called it, That Time of the Month, On the Blob, Rag Week, Having the painters in, Auntie Flo is here for a visit… Or a bit more extreme Shark Week if you live in Australia! Do you know there are over 5000 slang words for menstruation? But still we don't like to talk about the Dreaded Curse... Or perhaps you have made peace with yours and it’s a more of a Womb Blessing, your Monthly Miracle, your Gift of Life, and maybe you even have a spiritual practice for your cycle? Unfortunately I didn’t have … [Read more...] about That Time of the Month: Period Pain and Homeopathy
Lectins: The surprise hidden danger in your healthy diet?
Arthritis, heart disease, weight gain and leaky gut It’s not all in your head… It’s all in your gut!! Beans, legumes and cashews are good for us, right? They contain protein, fibre, vitamins and minerals. But they also contain large amounts of ‘anti-nutrients’ called lectins. Lectins are the protective part of these plant-based foods and they are highly toxic to insects and animals. They are designed to paralyse insects that are trying to eat them so that they can grow and thrive. So why are Lectins considered one of the biggest hidden dangers in your 'healthy' … [Read more...] about Lectins: The surprise hidden danger in your healthy diet?
Chop, chew or crush your garlic for maximum immune support If you are into FOOD AS MEDICINE then garlic is GOLD for health benefits. Garlic has been used both as a food and a medicine since the ancient Greeks. We know, because they wrote about garlic’s benefits even then. The Egyptians kept their workers on the job by using garlic to increase resistance to infection and also used it topically to prevent wound infection. These antibacterial (antimicrobial) properties were later proved scientifically by Louis Pasteur. Traditional use records garlic as useful in … [Read more...] about GARLIC GOLD FOR HEALTH
Anxiety – Calming remedies for your child
Do you have a nervous child or teenager with anxiety? Are they timid, shy, fearful, suffering from social anxiety, intimidated by crowds, prone to panic attacks, or worried about performance and presentations? There are many remedies to help acute anxiety attacks for children, teenagers and adults. I suffered terrible anxiety as a child, although I didn’t understand what anxiety was. After moving house for the third time and starting a new school again the anxiety was becoming so strong. I started to be sick in the morning, on an empty stomach before … [Read more...] about Anxiety – Calming remedies for your child
Befriend your hormones by naturally supporting adrenal fatigue
The relationship between adrenal fatigue and hormone balance If I had a dollar for every woman who told me they hate having to menstruate because of their terrible symptoms of heavy bleeding, PMT and pain, I would probably not be that rich in today’s inflated economy, but it would make a nice contribution anyway! Ask each of those women whether she also feels constantly exhausted, having to crack the whip at themselves just to get through each day, and it’s likely that we become aware of a relatively silent epidemic - that of underlying adrenal fatigue. … [Read more...] about Befriend your hormones by naturally supporting adrenal fatigue
Homeopathy, glue ear and recurrent ear infections
Recently I have been coming across many people asking if there is an alternative to antibiotics for ear infections and glue ear. A few years ago now, we did research on previous clients in our clinic who were treated homeopathically, to ascertain just how effective homeopathic treatment is for ear issues. This information is still just as valid today so I thought I'd re-post this blog I did on the homeopathic treatment of kids (and sometimes adults!) with recurrent ear infections and glue ear. ***** In the past couple of years we have been embarking on a … [Read more...] about Homeopathy, glue ear and recurrent ear infections
How to make the most powerful natural antibiotic! [Louise’s Elixir Recipe]
Make the most powerful natural antibiotic elixir at home! Fight infections and kill parasites. Kick coughs and colds, the flu virus, throat and other infections like sinusitis, stomach bugs and candida without prescription antibiotics! Louise’s Elixir Recipe This antibiotic elixir strengthens your immune system and has potent antiviral, antibiotic and antifungal properties. It purifies the blood, boosts blood circulation and supports lymph nodes and lymph flow through the body. Its effectiveness is due to the combination of high quality, natural, fresh, … [Read more...] about How to make the most powerful natural antibiotic! [Louise’s Elixir Recipe]