Filling in the Gaps: A Homeopath's Tour of a Dental Technician Lab Visiting Mike the dental technician was like creeping into a busy cave with a background of noise and lights. There are the occasional grinding sounds, a compressor working and beautiful coloured beams coming from an array of complex digital equipment. It all cries out for a detailed explanation and Mike, who is at home here in his natural environment, is keen to talk. However, the first thing I see is not the powerful computers but it’s the table full of paint brushes and possibly antiquated … [Read more...] about Filling in the Gaps: A Homeopath’s Tour of a Dental Technician Lab
Kate’s Miso Salmon Recipe
I made this Miso Salmon as the centre piece to a Japanese lunch I made for a group of 8 friends. It was a huge hit for something relatively simple. I served it just warm with sushi rice seasoned with Fume Furakaki, (a nori & sesame seasoning you can buy at Woolies these days). We also had little salty edamame beans and pork gyoza (dumplings) to start. Everyone loved it, super filling but also really light. Made sure there was plenty of sake as well! Salmon nutritional value Great source of protein and inflammation reducing Omega 3 fatty … [Read more...] about Kate’s Miso Salmon Recipe
Children and bedwetting: What can parents do to help?
Bedwetting can be upsetting and the practicalities of washing the bedding can take up a lot of time especially for parents who lead such busy lives. Wetting the bed at night (nocturnal enuresis) is very common in young children. In fact, it is normal up to the age of five years and eventually it does pass! All about bedwetting Almost half of all three-year-olds and about 10% of five-year-olds wet their bed It is somewhat more common in boys than girls Children who wet the bed often have no physical or great emotional problems Bedwetting can become … [Read more...] about Children and bedwetting: What can parents do to help?
Puberty Stages and Easing the Transition
Transition is a period of changing from one state or condition to another In our lives, we go through many different transitions, some we have no control over, and some we choose. The ones beyond our control can often be difficult, painful, and uncomfortable. Puberty is one such transition. It relates to my own family at this time. As mother of two teen girls and about to enter the menopause zone myself (another major life transition). I am all too aware of the challenges that lie ahead for our family. Teen acne and teenage mood swings to name just a few. What … [Read more...] about Puberty Stages and Easing the Transition
Discover the Power of Homeobotanicals
“Homeobotanicals are not herbalism or homeopathy but are an extraordinary combination of the two healing disciplines which work on the physical and vibrational energies.” What are homeobotanicals and how can they be used? Homeobotanicals were developed by naturopath and homeopath Brian Murray in the early 1980’s. Herbal tinctures were (and still are) very expensive, which encouraged Brian to produce a range of formulas which have evolved into a powerful, synergistic blend of organic herbal remedy combinations in liquid form. The remedies … [Read more...] about Discover the Power of Homeobotanicals
The joys of menopause and why progesterone is so important
If you look around in the media, you might notice that articles on menopause have exploded recently. It’s not like menopause is a new thing, and if you were to really think about how many women are suffering, it’s almost as though menopause could be an illness given the many and varied symptoms it seems to bring about. But is it really menopause causing all of these issues? Or are we blaming something which just happens to be removing a layer of protection that previously allowed us to “get away with” more potentially damaging behaviours in our past … [Read more...] about The joys of menopause and why progesterone is so important
Acne suffering relief secrets: Homeopathy, Diet and Supplements
Most people develop mild acne, it affects 80% of teenagers but for some it can continue into adulthood. Acne that develops after teenage years is referred to as ‘adult acne’. Unfortunately, acne can cause many emotional issues and for teenagers can affect their confidence and interaction with others .: Hormonal changes during puberty leads to increased estrogen in girls and androgens (including testosterone) in both boys and girls, which increases oil production in the skin. Acne is also worsened by stress, as this increase’s perspiration and oil … [Read more...] about Acne suffering relief secrets: Homeopathy, Diet and Supplements
One couple’s struggles and success with heart-wrenching fertility problems
A fertility story with Qest4 Bioresonance and Homeopathy This story is told by Mel Owen-Brown, homeopath and Bioresonance practitioner: A lovely couple came to see me about 18 months ago as they had been trying to have a baby for several years with no success. They had both been assessed to be perfectly healthy by doctors but it just wasn’t happening for them. They asked me if Qest4 Bioresonance could help them achieve their goal. Feeling hopeful as the Qest4 identifies imbalances in the person’s body and potential blocks to health balance, I asked them to … [Read more...] about One couple’s struggles and success with heart-wrenching fertility problems
Over 33,335 people suffer with Multiple Sclerosis in Australia, how can Homeopathy help?
What is Multiple Sclerosis (MS)? MS is an autoimmune inflammatory disease, in which the immune system eats away at the protective covering of the nerves, resulting in nerve damage which disrupts communication (nerve transmissions) between the brain and the body. MS Symptoms Multiple Sclerosis causes many different symptoms such as: Blurred vision (sometimes vision loss) Chronic pain Fatigue Impaired co-ordination, difficulty maintaining body posture/loss of balance and dizziness Stiffness or spasms Numbness and tingling Electric shock … [Read more...] about Over 33,335 people suffer with Multiple Sclerosis in Australia, how can Homeopathy help?
Chop, chew or crush your garlic for maximum immune support If you are into FOOD AS MEDICINE then garlic is GOLD for health benefits. Garlic has been used both as a food and a medicine since the ancient Greeks. We know, because they wrote about garlic’s benefits even then. The Egyptians kept their workers on the job by using garlic to increase resistance to infection and also used it topically to prevent wound infection. These antibacterial (antimicrobial) properties were later proved scientifically by Louis Pasteur. Traditional use records garlic as useful in … [Read more...] about GARLIC GOLD FOR HEALTH