Homeopathy Highly Successful in Hay fever and other Respiratory Allergic conditions. A four year respiratory allergies trial in an Italian Integrated Medical Centre showed 75% of hay fever patients had experienced marked improvement after only 8 weeks homeopathic treatment. Many of these patients reported complete resolution of symptoms. Of note was the reduced reliance on conventional drugs and marked improvement in quality of life. Forty percent of patients with perennial respiratory allergies (eg. asthma, bronchitis, or rhinitis) showed similar levels of … [Read more...] about Allergies relieved with Homeopathy
From an abundance of Homeopathy research, the best bit is that it works on piglets so it’s not placebo!
When the conversation turns to healthcare, I’ve got more than a couple of my personal adventures to tell people about. They are impressive and they involve using homeopathy with success. But while I know the stories are incontrovertible, the other person so often feels compelled to say “… but there’s not much research about homeopathy is there?” Or ask another question which may make me roll my eyes. However, in the spirit of there is no-such-thing-as-a-dumb-question I can choose to believe they’re just ill informed. The next time I‘m at a party, I will have my … [Read more...] about From an abundance of Homeopathy research, the best bit is that it works on piglets so it’s not placebo!
Chop, chew or crush your garlic for maximum immune support If you are into FOOD AS MEDICINE then garlic is GOLD for health benefits. Garlic has been used both as a food and a medicine since the ancient Greeks. We know, because they wrote about garlic’s benefits even then. The Egyptians kept their workers on the job by using garlic to increase resistance to infection and also used it topically to prevent wound infection. These antibacterial (antimicrobial) properties were later proved scientifically by Louis Pasteur. Traditional use records garlic as useful in … [Read more...] about GARLIC GOLD FOR HEALTH
How to slow down aging, the 5 side effects of kindness
Life changing information about the healthiest way to look young, live longer and feel happier harnessing the 5 side effects of kindness. The 5 side effects of Kindness Kindness is cardio protective and anti inflammatory Kindness will slow down the aging process Kindness increases happiness in you and others Kindness is good for relationships Kindness is contagious Kindness is cardio protective and anti-inflammatory In our blood vessels we have molecules of kindness known as Oxytocin and Nitrous Oxide. We are genetically wired to be kind. … [Read more...] about How to slow down aging, the 5 side effects of kindness
Avoid Antibiotics: How To Use Natural Antibiotics Hiding In Your Kitchen
Every year, there are a rapidly increasing number of good reasons to avoid antibiotics so the best question to ask is "How?" Here's why and how to use natural antibiotics which you most likely already have hiding in your pantry. The Health Implications of Antibiotics By 1940, antibiotics had come into widespread use causing both doctors and people to gradually forget about natural antibiotics for resolving infections. This change in medical practice has, in recent decades, led to the overuse of antibiotics and the rise of antibiotic resistant superbugs such as … [Read more...] about Avoid Antibiotics: How To Use Natural Antibiotics Hiding In Your Kitchen
MTHFR: a role for Homeopathy?
Recently, there have been many blogs about a genetic condition called MTHFR. Even so, you may not have heard about it. It’s up there with pyrrole which is another disorder which has seen increasing interest. More and more of our children (and often adults) find that they have to work harder just to maintain a base-line of health. There are more and more of these genetic conditions being discovered every day as we explore the intricacies of the human genome in more detail. As a result, we are beginning to see how these genes are influencing our health on all … [Read more...] about MTHFR: a role for Homeopathy?
Is there a natural treatment for sinusitis?
Antibiotics and conventional medicine can help some people with sinusitis. But, and it's a big BUT, most of the time, even as many as two out of every three bouts of sinusitis may resolve on it's own, without any medical treatment. So what can you do on your own to relieve your discomfort? Is there a natural treatment for sinusitis? Humidify. Some people really find a benefit from using a humidifier in rooms where they spend a lot of time. Just make sure to follow the instructions for regular cleaning. If you use a dirty filter, you might be spraying mould … [Read more...] about Is there a natural treatment for sinusitis?
How to treat a sprained ankle? Use Traumeel
The Traumeel® in Acute Ankle Sprain Study (TAASS) study Research presented in June 2012 at the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) now declares : There is a natural alternative to NSAIDs The TAASS study involved 449 males and females with mild to moderate ankle sprain. "TAASS is the largest randomised controlled study of its kind comparing the natural medication, Traumeel, with a conventional NSAID, diclofenac. This study confirms that Traumeel (ointment and gel) is as effective as diclofenac gel and as such is an effective alternative … [Read more...] about How to treat a sprained ankle? Use Traumeel
Flaxseed May Help Reduce Blood Pressure
Flaxseed may help reduce blood pressure: Encouraging results from a recent study have shown that adding flaxseed to the diet of people with high blood pressure (BP) resulted in a significant reduction in both systolic and diastolic pressures. How much flaxseed may help reduce blood pressure? A double-blind, placebo-controlled study showed a significant drop in BP (10mm Hg systolic and 7mm Hg diastolic) following six months of ground flaxseed (30g/day in bagels, muffins, and buns) being added to the diets of people with peripheral arterial disease … [Read more...] about Flaxseed May Help Reduce Blood Pressure
Apples and pears reduce your stroke risk
White fruit and vegetables, including apples, pears, bananas, garlic, onion, cauliflower and cucumber have come up trumps for a 50% reduced stroke risk, in a large study of 20,069 men & women. White vegetables reduce your stroke risk We have all heard about the health benefits of eating brightly coloured fruit and vegetables, so this is news to those of us who have embraced the concept of green, red, yellow and orange as the most healthful fruit/vege basket. This premise is based on the presence of particular pigmented compounds, such as carotenoids, … [Read more...] about Apples and pears reduce your stroke risk