Chop, chew or crush your garlic for maximum immune support If you are into FOOD AS MEDICINE then garlic is GOLD for health benefits. Garlic has been used both as a food and a medicine since the ancient Greeks. We know, because they wrote about garlic’s benefits even then. The Egyptians kept their workers on the job by using garlic to increase resistance to infection and also used it topically to prevent wound infection. These antibacterial (antimicrobial) properties were later proved scientifically by Louis Pasteur. Traditional use records garlic as useful in … [Read more...] about GARLIC GOLD FOR HEALTH
Befriend your hormones by naturally supporting adrenal fatigue
The relationship between adrenal fatigue and hormone balance If I had a dollar for every woman who told me they hate having to menstruate because of their terrible symptoms of heavy bleeding, PMT and pain, I would probably not be that rich in today’s inflated economy, but it would make a nice contribution anyway! Ask each of those women whether she also feels constantly exhausted, having to crack the whip at themselves just to get through each day, and it’s likely that we become aware of a relatively silent epidemic - that of underlying adrenal fatigue. … [Read more...] about Befriend your hormones by naturally supporting adrenal fatigue
How to make the most powerful natural antibiotic! [Louise’s Elixir Recipe]
Make the most powerful natural antibiotic elixir at home! Fight infections and kill parasites. Kick coughs and colds, the flu virus, throat and other infections like sinusitis, stomach bugs and candida without prescription antibiotics! Louise’s Elixir Recipe This antibiotic elixir strengthens your immune system and has potent antiviral, antibiotic and antifungal properties. It purifies the blood, boosts blood circulation and supports lymph nodes and lymph flow through the body. Its effectiveness is due to the combination of high quality, natural, fresh, … [Read more...] about How to make the most powerful natural antibiotic! [Louise’s Elixir Recipe]
Avoid Antibiotics: How To Use Natural Antibiotics Hiding In Your Kitchen
Every year, there are a rapidly increasing number of good reasons to avoid antibiotics so the best question to ask is "How?" Here's why and how to use natural antibiotics which you most likely already have hiding in your pantry. The Health Implications of Antibiotics By 1940, antibiotics had come into widespread use causing both doctors and people to gradually forget about natural antibiotics for resolving infections. This change in medical practice has, in recent decades, led to the overuse of antibiotics and the rise of antibiotic resistant superbugs such as … [Read more...] about Avoid Antibiotics: How To Use Natural Antibiotics Hiding In Your Kitchen
Is There Too Much Sugar in Your Day?
You don’t need to be eating lollies, cakes, biscuits, slices, muffins, ice cream, and chocolates, or drinking soft drinks to be consuming too much sugar; there are many types of sugar in many types of foods. Most people are suprised by the amount of sugar that is in what are considered ‘healthy’ or ‘natural’ foods. Health conscious people are attracted to labeling that says ‘natural’, ‘organic’, ‘low fat’ ‘no added-sugar’ but sometimes these food products can have just as much sugar as their processed equivalents. I was always reading labels, checking … [Read more...] about Is There Too Much Sugar in Your Day?
If I Don’t Eat Wheat, What Can I Eat??
The thought of excluding wheat-containing foods for most people seems impossible, but many people are now choosing a wheat-free diet. Scientific research is now giving us many good reasons to avoid wheat-containing products as they are increasing the potential for a surprising number of health problems. Obesity, Heart Disease, Coeliac’s Disease, Systemic Inflammation of the Immune System, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) are all aggravated by wheat. Wheat increases blood sugar, aggravates and inflames our intestines and … [Read more...] about If I Don’t Eat Wheat, What Can I Eat??
The Problem with Eating Wheat
WHEAT is in so many foods we eat. Some of us - especially our children - are eating it for breakfast, lunch and dinner! A typical Aussie day may include Wheat Bix, cereals, toast, crumpets, pancakes, muffins, biscuits, crackers, cakes, sandwiches, rolls, wraps, pies, pastries, pasta, pizzas and noodles. The thought of excluding these foods for most people seems impossible. But many people are now choosing a wheat-free diet. Scientific research is now giving us many good reasons to avoid wheat containing products, as they are increasing the potential for a … [Read more...] about The Problem with Eating Wheat
Is My Dairy Free Child Getting Enough Calcium?
Is my DAIRY FREE child getting enough Calcium?? I am often advising and reassuring parents about their child’s dietary intake of Calcium. If your child is DAIRY FREE because of recurrent ear infections, mucous-y coughs and colds, lactose intolerance, digestive disturbances, constipation, allergies or dietary preferences you may also be asking the question. “Are they getting enough dietary calcium?” The good news is that there are many non-dairy dietary sources of CALCIUM. In fact NON-DAIRY sources can actually be a healthier more nutritious option. Many … [Read more...] about Is My Dairy Free Child Getting Enough Calcium?
Night Terrors and Homeopathy
Sweet Dreams with Homeopathy Those parents who have witnessed their child go through night terrors know exactly how traumatic an experience it can be. You hear your child cry out in that chilling shriek; you rush in and turn on the light, knowing there’s not a lot you can do but try to bring them gradually out of their unreachable oblivion which seems to last forever. Then your child screams at something just over your left shoulder and you feel your skin prickle, wondering what on earth it is that your child can see,because the only thing you can see when … [Read more...] about Night Terrors and Homeopathy
Flaxseed May Help Reduce Blood Pressure
Flaxseed may help reduce blood pressure: Encouraging results from a recent study have shown that adding flaxseed to the diet of people with high blood pressure (BP) resulted in a significant reduction in both systolic and diastolic pressures. How much flaxseed may help reduce blood pressure? A double-blind, placebo-controlled study showed a significant drop in BP (10mm Hg systolic and 7mm Hg diastolic) following six months of ground flaxseed (30g/day in bagels, muffins, and buns) being added to the diets of people with peripheral arterial disease … [Read more...] about Flaxseed May Help Reduce Blood Pressure