Constitutional remedies; isopathic homeopathy and the biomedical approach. In Australia, autism is helped by several different styles of homeopathy. For the parents of children with autism, homeopathy offers an increasing body of literature about using it.
Autism is on the rise
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is the fastest growing developmental condition in the western world. In 2015, there were 164,000 Australians with autism, a 42.1% increase from the 115,400 with the condition in 2012. Then by 2018, there were 205,200 Australians with autism, a 25.1% increase from the 164,000 with the condition in 2015.
Autism is helped by several different styles of homeopathy
Using a natural medicine approach, at our clinic we provide treatment which is supportive of the parents and non-judgemental of the child. The Harbord Homeopathic Clinic has expertise in: constitutional homeopathy; isopathic homeopathy and certain elements of the biomedical approach.
Homeopathic treatment is used in conjunction with any already existing therapy such as ABA, speech therapy and occupational therapy. Parents are not asked to discontinue their existing plan. Instead Homeopathic treatment for autism is used to encourage steady movement along the path towards recovery with many varied “two steps forward and one step back.”
Autism treatment
The Dutch physician and homeopath, Dr.Tinus Smits concluded after having seen over 300 cases of all levels of severity that autism is an accumulation of different causes. He used a step by step approach taking into account certain causative factors (regular medication, emotional shocks during pregnancy, environmental toxic exposures etc.) to be worked on. As each person is genetically and physiologically different, his or her response to pathogens, toxins and environmental stresses differs, so treatment is uniquely applied to each patient’s situation and circumstances.
The whole process thrives on commitment, patience and a basic understanding of how the body heals itself, but the many parents and children who have been involved in this therapy acknowledge the rewards. Our clinic uses appropriate methods individually chosen for each child. We aim always to improve the quality of life for the child, the parents and other family members.
Biomedical Approach
We also use certain elements of the biomedical approach to properly nourish the brain of these children and to restore proper bowel function. A wide array of supplements are in use for the treatment of autism and have their value, but we use just a few chosen individually for each child. During treatment these supplements serve as a support for the healing process, while the healing process itself comes from the homeopathic and isopathic treatment. These supplements make the treatment smoother and help to avoid severe reactions during the detoxification. There are no compliance issues when it comes to getting children to take their homeopathic medicine but there are many compliance issues when it comes to taking biomedical supplements.
Constitutional Homeopathy
One of the powerful tools we use is constitutional homeopathy. It plays an important role in the treatment of autistic children. During and after the initial resolution and detoxification of the specific causes which are responsible for the development of autism, constitutional homeopathy can build resilience and lessen sensitivity.
Isotherapy uses the causative substances as a homeopathic remedy and a profound action can be witnessed as the children begin to react to the remedies. The reactions on the isopathic remedies are so characteristic, that there can be no doubt about the existence of a link between the toxins as the cause and the development of Autism. In this way Dr. Smits discovered, step by step, why autism and other behavioral problems, have so dramatically increased over the last ten to twenty years. It also became clear that autistic children do not suffer from one single cause but from an accumulation of different causes.
Important Reading
If you are interested in pursuing homeopathic treatment, we strongly advise that you begin by reading Autism Beyond Despair and Impossible Cure by Amy Lansky which beautifully explains what constitutional homeopathy is all about. The two books will answer most of your questions and you will know exactly what to expect from homeopathic treatment.
Please do not try to treat your child alone. Homeopathic treatment of autism is complicated and can’t be undertaken by the barefoot homeopath, though your practitioner will usually encourage the use of a homeopathic at-home-kit of remedies.
Gentle Starting Dose
Autism is helped by several different styles of homeopathy and all children respond to remedies in different ways, so treatment will often be started in a gentle way to accommodate these differences. When a gentle starting dose or test dose is used, it is expected that definite improvement may not be noticed until after the next dose at the follow up appointment. Gentle starting doses ensure that any child whose body has a need for a spring clean, (or a de-tox, or aggravation) does so in a mild way.
After the starting dose has been given, treatment can be commenced and the child will then proceed with the expected ‘two steps forward and one step back’ response. There are some children who are generally very sensitive and their symptoms respond positively even after the gentle starting dose. They have a head start.
The Whole Family
In a family, the children are not the only ones suffering: the father might be working overtime; the mother feels like she is being a taxi driver; and the siblings are feeling jealous that all the attention is on the child with the diagnosis. Meals are happening in the backseat of the car. Nobody has time to talk to each other.
Exhausted parents easily forget to look after themselves or just have no time left in the day. Since children model how to look after themselves by copying their parents this has to involve more than just taking supplements. It is sound advice for the father to use homeopathy for his eczema which flares up in times of stress, the mother for her asthma and the sibling for their jealousy and bedwetting. In fact, in the work of John Meinychuk an American homeopath it was found that the healthier the whole family was through using homeopathy the quicker the individual child responds to treatment.
Parenting of Austistic Children
There is a lot written about strategies to help parents and their kids get along better. Well meaning advice sometimes makes it sound possible to steer a course over the years without raising your voice, without anger, without parents themselves becoming the four-year old. Some children are easier than others and being with them and guiding them almost just comes naturally, as if any sensible parenting style would work. Autistic children take a lot more energy and determination. Guilt can become mixed up with frustration at becoming the kind of parent you never imagined you wanted to be.
With some children, it can feel as if there is no sensible parenting style that works, even after trying lots of them. Many strategies sound wonderful in textbooks, but of course are difficult in real life. It is commonly noticed when a homeopathic remedy has done its work and certain attitudes or behaviours have settled, that parenting strategies become easier to implement.
Environmental Influences
Environmental toxins, such as lead, cadmium, and carbon monoxide, have been thought to be linked with autism. For each individual there may be a wide number of possible responses to external and internal stresses, some children develop autism. Some resilient children seem to be relatively unaffected by these disturbances — their health and happiness stay in balance without major effort. It is this balance and resilience which homeopathy strives to achieve for every child. At the Harbord Homeopathic Clinic we will sometimes advise the need for a hair analysis to determine the level of heavy metals and other nutrient minerals in the body.
Autism research finds new conclusions about homeopathy
Several carefully written reports of case studies have highlighted the use of homeopathy in research in autism spectrum disorders. Conclusions from these published autism case studies include:
- If children are diagnosed early and start homeopathy early then homeopathy can be more effective
- On the other hand, even in teenagers, homeopathic treatment may positively affect behaviour. There is a decrease in aberrant behaviour and better social integration
- Homeopathy generally may bring about improvement in the area of behaviour and sensory impairment quite early during the course of treatment. Though one study found that they could not obtain the desired results in sensory problems and communication skills
- Children with dull normal intelligence showed the highest improvement in research, followed by children with mild retardation
- Obsessiveness takes longer to be addressed than hyperactivity
- For an effective outcome, frequent repetition of remedies in some conditions may be needed
- The longer the child is given homeopathy the better the outcome
- However, occasionally the response may be faster. You can read about a case of homeopathy autism recovery by clicking here.
- One study found that not much improvement could be observed in specific cases of regurgitation of food, nor in making loud noises and certain specific autistic behavioural activities
- In one study, no improvement or partial improvement was found where another condition was present such as a parasitic infestation
- Around the world researchers, parents and practitioners are calling for more autism research and natural autism treatment
The Autism Support Project in Australia
The Autism Support Project was set up in 2013, by Linda Beaver from the Newtown Homeopathic Centre in conjunction with the Aurum Project which is an Australian homeopathic research charity. This initiative was in response to the increase in ASD children and because parents are searching for answers in natural therapies.
The Autism Support Project brings affordable care to ASD children and offer partially subsidised treatment for children diagnosed with ASD. There are a growing number of practitioners around Australia who are Autism Support Project Recognised Providers.
Find an Autism Support Project Recognised Provider
Selected practitioners have been recognised because of their experience and training in this field. They are fully qualified homeopaths and members of professional associations. They have participated in a process of peer review, case presentation and ongoing professional development about developmental problems in children. Click here to find a Recognised Provider of the Autism Support Provider.
This blog was last updated 7th May 2024
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