Bedwetting can be upsetting and the practicalities of washing the bedding can take up a lot of time especially for parents who lead such busy lives. Wetting the bed at night (nocturnal enuresis) is very common in young children. In fact, it is normal up to the age of five years and eventually it does pass! All about bedwetting Almost half of all three-year-olds and about 10% of five-year-olds wet their bed It is somewhat more common in boys than girls Children who wet the bed often have no physical or great emotional problems Bedwetting can become … [Read more...] about Children and bedwetting: What can parents do to help?
Insomnia and Homeopathy
Homeopathy, Saviour of Sleep! Who doesn’t like a good nights sleep? Wrapped up all nice and cosy, especially on a cold winter’s night; it makes one’s eyelids feel all heavy just thinking about a beautiful, soft pillow and deliciously warm covers. But for those suffering from insomnia, often the mere thought of some shut-eye fills them with a sensation closer to dread. Many insomniacs liken their inability to sleep as torture. Lying for hours alone in the dark with nobody but your own thoughts for company can make time feel very long. There’s no escape, unless … [Read more...] about Insomnia and Homeopathy
Pyrrole disorder: a homeopathic perspective
Can homeopathy help the People of Pyrrole? Pyrrole seems to be the new buzzword going around the natural therapies traps at the moment. Everywhere I turn there’s a new article on Pyrrole and the far reaching problems it can cause. Perhaps that’s why I’ve preferred to ignore it for so long because there are so many trends that come and go in the world of natural health and I can’t keep up with them all before they fade out of favour. There’s something about Pyrrole though that keeps coming back to haunt me. It’s partly due to observing a very dear friend treat … [Read more...] about Pyrrole disorder: a homeopathic perspective
The joys of menopause and why progesterone is so important
If you look around in the media, you might notice that articles on menopause have exploded recently. It’s not like menopause is a new thing, and if you were to really think about how many women are suffering, it’s almost as though menopause could be an illness given the many and varied symptoms it seems to bring about. But is it really menopause causing all of these issues? Or are we blaming something which just happens to be removing a layer of protection that previously allowed us to “get away with” more potentially damaging behaviours in our past … [Read more...] about The joys of menopause and why progesterone is so important
Is it really perimenopause or is it your thyroid and Hashimoto?
The silent epidemic of Hashimoto Thyroiditis Symptoms of perimenopause Most women I know have had issues going through perimenopause, but there are a smug few who don’t get any symptoms. They’re the ones who sail through their journey with relative ease, don’t even put on a kilo, and don’t even raise a sweat. That wasn’t me. You might be thinking, but Penny is a natural therapist, so surely, she has all the answers to be able to sort herself out. I may have learned a thing or two, but health is super complex and very individualised and it’s a bit of a journey … [Read more...] about Is it really perimenopause or is it your thyroid and Hashimoto?
How do you positively get more out of your blood test results?
Normal results on a blood test when you don’t feel fine? Have you ever decanted what looks like half your blood, for thorough blood tests, hoping they’ll give you some answers to what’s causing your symptoms, only to be told everything has normal levels? This is something I hear so often as I see more and more clients with what I call functional rather than pathological issues. What that means is that people can have symptoms that affect them even though they’re not showing up on your usual types of testing. That often means that whatever is going on hasn’t … [Read more...] about How do you positively get more out of your blood test results?
How to improve our vital force and detox from heavy metals
We are constantly exposed to heavy metals without even being aware of it. Heavy metals can be found in foods we eat, the water we drink, the air, our environment, and the skin care and hygiene products we use. Some of these toxins can saturate our water reservoirs, fall down from the sky and hide in our homes without us being aware of it. In this blog I will talk about what heavy metals are, their relationship with our vital force, where and how we are exposed to them, symptoms of heavy metal poisoning, simple ways to heavy metal detox, and supporting our organs … [Read more...] about How to improve our vital force and detox from heavy metals
Rhus tox and a homeopath’s breathless and painful journey through COVID
What does any self-respecting homeopath do when confronted by a positive COVID test? Well, maybe not everyone would do the same as me, but I wrote a bit of a diary and a few notes as I went along in my journey through coronavirus. Upset stomach, severe aches, and feeling breathless. Trying remedies such a Rhus Tox, Gelsenium, Hypericum, and Bryonia. Day 1 How it started My daughter has just rung and told me she’s tested positive (we’d hung out together a couple of days earlier). By the end of her visit, she had been starting to show signs of a fever and … [Read more...] about Rhus tox and a homeopath’s breathless and painful journey through COVID
The Mysteries of Homeopathy and what I tell my clients
How does Homeopathy work? One of the reasons homeopathy can be so tricky to grasp is because it requires a leap of understanding of concepts. Concepts which are outside the box of mainstream science. Many people dismiss homeopathy outright because we homeopaths use highly diluted substances of all kinds. How could anything so diluted possibly have any effect on the body? It’s no wonder homeopathy is such an enormous stretch for those steeped in mainstream science. But here’s the thing. Homeopathy may not happily be acknowledged by the limited orthodox view. … [Read more...] about The Mysteries of Homeopathy and what I tell my clients
Eczema homeopathy and dairy Intolerance
Toby's story A story of homeopathy for eczema in babies What does a homeopath do when she can't fix her own child's eczema? Toby is my third child. When I brought him home from the hospital, I wanted to turn around and go straight back. The food may well be horrendous, but at least someone else makes it for you. There are a lot of jokes going around that once you have three children, you may as well go and have another one because it makes very little difference in the scheme of things. I began to understand exactly what was behind all of those jokes as I did my … [Read more...] about Eczema homeopathy and dairy Intolerance