We are constantly exposed to heavy metals without even being aware of it. Heavy metals can be found in foods we eat, the water we drink, the air, our environment, and the skin care and hygiene products we use. Some of these toxins can saturate our water reservoirs, fall down from the sky and hide in our homes without us being aware of it. In this blog I will talk about what heavy metals are, their relationship with our vital force, where and how we are exposed to them, symptoms of heavy metal poisoning, simple ways to heavy metal detox, and supporting our organs … [Read more...] about How to improve our vital force and detox from heavy metals
Hair loss and Homeopathic support
Whether it is Alopecia or Tinea Capitis, hair fall is characterised by excessive hair loss from the scalp. The condition is mainly experienced by young people affecting them medically and psychologically. In a natural hair growth cycle, lost hair is replaced by new hair. However, people suffering from continual hair loss can have temporary or permanent hair loss. These conditions develop over time, with considerable hair loss per day. Women experience hair thinning due to ageing, but some women experience hair loss soon after puberty with the hormonal … [Read more...] about Hair loss and Homeopathic support
Rhus tox and a homeopath’s breathless and painful journey through COVID
What does any self-respecting homeopath do when confronted by a positive COVID test? Well, maybe not everyone would do the same as me, but I wrote a bit of a diary and a few notes as I went along in my journey through coronavirus. Upset stomach, severe aches, and feeling breathless. Trying remedies such a Rhus Tox, Gelsenium, Hypericum, and Bryonia. Day 1 How it started My daughter has just rung and told me she’s tested positive (we’d hung out together a couple of days earlier). By the end of her visit, she had been starting to show signs of a fever and … [Read more...] about Rhus tox and a homeopath’s breathless and painful journey through COVID
From Estonia to a researcher and Sydney Homeopath on the Northern Beaches
Sabina Vatter first visited Australia in 2015 and fell in love at first sight. She now calls the Northern Beaches her home. Sabina carries out research in homeopathy and psychology and is a Sydney homeopath working at the Harbord Homeopathic Clinic. She first received homeopathy as a child and has repeatedly seen the benefits of homeopathy for many emotional, psychological, and physical symptoms in acute and chronic situations. Since 2020, Sabina is conducting Australian research in homeopathy, in Brookvale with The Aurum Project She is now part of the … [Read more...] about From Estonia to a researcher and Sydney Homeopath on the Northern Beaches
Homeopathy and Naturopathy…How do they differ?
Since joining the Harbord Homeopathic Clinic as a homeopath in February 2021, several people have asked me if homeopathy was the same as naturopathy. My response has been that they are different modalities of Complementary and types of Alternative Medicine (CAM) but they overlap in some aspects and principles. This question has inspired me to write this blog post about integrative healthcare, CAM, naturopathy and homeopathy in detail. I've included what they encompass, when they are used, their history in Australia, as well as the number of people practicing, … [Read more...] about Homeopathy and Naturopathy…How do they differ?
Probiotics benefits, drawbacks, nutrition
Achieving happy digestive balance through nutrition and homeopathy Probiotics benefits: can have a powerful affect on our gut and overall health. BUT there is an enormous range of different probiotic strains, found in foods as well as products. How do we know which foods and products will benefit us? Our gut microflora Food has an influence over which types of micro-organisms colonise our gut. Our gut flora are responsible for a large proportion of not only digestion, but energy levels, moods and most importantly, immune function. I’m talking mainly about the … [Read more...] about Probiotics benefits, drawbacks, nutrition
The Mysteries of Homeopathy and what I tell my clients
How does Homeopathy work? One of the reasons homeopathy can be so tricky to grasp is because it requires a leap of understanding of concepts. Concepts which are outside the box of mainstream science. Many people dismiss homeopathy outright because we homeopaths use highly diluted substances of all kinds. How could anything so diluted possibly have any effect on the body? It’s no wonder homeopathy is such an enormous stretch for those steeped in mainstream science. But here’s the thing. Homeopathy may not happily be acknowledged by the limited orthodox view. … [Read more...] about The Mysteries of Homeopathy and what I tell my clients
Allergies relieved with Homeopathy
Homeopathy Highly Successful in Hay fever and other Respiratory Allergic conditions. A four year respiratory allergies trial in an Italian Integrated Medical Centre showed 75% of hay fever patients had experienced marked improvement after only 8 weeks homeopathic treatment. Many of these patients reported complete resolution of symptoms. Of note was the reduced reliance on conventional drugs and marked improvement in quality of life. Forty percent of patients with perennial respiratory allergies (eg. asthma, bronchitis, or rhinitis) showed similar levels of … [Read more...] about Allergies relieved with Homeopathy
Homeopathic Travel Remedies First Aid Kit
Most important Homeopathic travel remedies for gastro on the GO Remedies for nausea, vomiting, or diarrhoea while traveling? Whether you’re in Bali, Thailand or Fiji, or just ate a takeaway from your local Takeaway, it is very easy to end up with stomach upsets while away from home. And, it can sure put a dampener on your long-anticipated holiday. Even with minimal experience, it is easy to handle common traveling ailments, such as food poisoning, gastro bugs, sunburn, and insect bites, using your Homeopathic First Aid Kit. One or two well-chosen homeopathic … [Read more...] about Homeopathic Travel Remedies First Aid Kit
Best parenting advice for feeling overwhelmed
How To Be The Best Mum You Can Be. I get it, it’s hard to stay calm, balanced, fit and well-nourished when you are a mum. I’m a mum of 2 young children too. I mean how can you possibly do anything for yourself when you are constantly making sure the kids are fed, dropped off, picked up and doing their homework… never mind doing the house work, and/ or somehow maintaining a ‘real’ job…… God forbid that you should have poor sleepers….. exhaustion definition! It’s no surprise that you are constantly feeling tired, overwhelmed, stressed, unmotivated and sick … [Read more...] about Best parenting advice for feeling overwhelmed