Bedwetting can be upsetting and the practicalities of washing the bedding can take up a lot of time especially for parents who lead such busy lives. Wetting the bed at night (nocturnal enuresis) is very common in young children. In fact, it is normal up to the age of five years and eventually it does pass! All about bedwetting Almost half of all three-year-olds and about 10% of five-year-olds wet their bed It is somewhat more common in boys than girls Children who wet the bed often have no physical or great emotional problems Bedwetting can become … [Read more...] about Children and bedwetting: What can parents do to help?
Puberty Stages and Easing the Transition
Transition is a period of changing from one state or condition to another In our lives, we go through many different transitions, some we have no control over, and some we choose. The ones beyond our control can often be difficult, painful, and uncomfortable. Puberty is one such transition. It relates to my own family at this time. As mother of two teen girls and about to enter the menopause zone myself (another major life transition). I am all too aware of the challenges that lie ahead for our family. Teen acne and teenage mood swings to name just a few. What … [Read more...] about Puberty Stages and Easing the Transition
Pyrrole disorder: a homeopathic perspective
Can homeopathy help the People of Pyrrole? Pyrrole seems to be the new buzzword going around the natural therapies traps at the moment. Everywhere I turn there’s a new article on Pyrrole and the far reaching problems it can cause. Perhaps that’s why I’ve preferred to ignore it for so long because there are so many trends that come and go in the world of natural health and I can’t keep up with them all before they fade out of favour. There’s something about Pyrrole though that keeps coming back to haunt me. It’s partly due to observing a very dear friend treat … [Read more...] about Pyrrole disorder: a homeopathic perspective
How to treat a sprained ankle? Use Traumeel
The Traumeel® in Acute Ankle Sprain Study (TAASS) study Research presented in June 2012 at the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) now declares : There is a natural alternative to NSAIDs The TAASS study involved 449 males and females with mild to moderate ankle sprain. "TAASS is the largest randomised controlled study of its kind comparing the natural medication, Traumeel, with a conventional NSAID, diclofenac. This study confirms that Traumeel (ointment and gel) is as effective as diclofenac gel and as such is an effective alternative … [Read more...] about How to treat a sprained ankle? Use Traumeel
Challenging Children: Success with Homeopathy
One of the great strengths of Homeopathy is the treatment of behavioural problems. The history of homeopathy shows that it is not only in recent times that Homeopathy has laid claim to being able to help challenging children. As far back as 1842, Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of Homeopathy, described a 14-year-old-girl who was treated because she “spoke irrationally, could not work, rapidly gets in a rage and beats everyone, and became as if mad”. After three months using the remedies Belladonna, Hyoscyamus and Sulphur she “became a healthy, rational, amiable … [Read more...] about Challenging Children: Success with Homeopathy
Sensitive children
[byline_author] Some children have a nervous system that seems to be highly aware and quick to react. They pick up on subtle changes and like to think carefully before taking action. Sensitive children are easily overwhelmed by lots of stimulation, sudden changes, and other people's emotional distress. Some of these sensitive children can be a challenge to parent because they are quite active, emotionally intense, demanding, and persistent but other sensitive children are calm, turned inward, and almost too easy to parent. Where do you get help with these … [Read more...] about Sensitive children