Is giving up sugar a nightmare for you? Do you get sugar cravings? The big news everywhere is that eating sugar is bad for us, that we need to eat less of it and that a lot of us are sugar addicts without knowing it!! It's 4pm, the day is nearing an end, you are feeling a little tired and in need of a sweet treat. Sound familiar? Are there times when you find yourself craving sugar; when you start eating a Byron Bay cookie and can't stop before the whole packet is demolished? The term “blood sugar levels” refers to the amount of sugar floating … [Read more...] about 20 Tips to Control Your Sugar Cravings
How Lockdown, Homeopathy and Wardrobe Makeovers cross paths
Love them or hate them, lockdowns are part of our present day reality and we get to choose whether we see them as a pain in the proverbial or as an opportunity. I guess it's the same as that glass half empty or half full saying we've all heard a million times. Life is what you make it. So if you are the type who sees lockdown as an opportunity to tackle a juicy project then have you considered getting stuck into your wardrobe and giving it a complete makeover? You might like to stop for a moment and check in to see if the thought of this sends anxious chills … [Read more...] about How Lockdown, Homeopathy and Wardrobe Makeovers cross paths
Knock out that cold or flu and fast track your way back to health!
Much to my despair, after feeling very proud of myself that I had avoided the nasty colds and flus going around, it got me! It started with a scratchy throat, then a very irritated nose and sneezing, red heavy eyes, headache, achy body, no appetite and fever. Sound familiar? I know…. I had a very busy week, including commitments in the evenings, got tired and probably hadn’t eaten as well as I usually do. I went from feeling not so bad in the morning, and even enjoyed a sunny walk on the beach, to going downhill through the day and then by the afternoon was lying … [Read more...] about Knock out that cold or flu and fast track your way back to health!
Homeopathy and Naturopathy…How do they differ?
Since joining the Harbord Homeopathic Clinic as a homeopath in February 2021, several people have asked me if homeopathy was the same as naturopathy. My response has been that they are different modalities of Complementary and types of Alternative Medicine (CAM) but they overlap in some aspects and principles. This question has inspired me to write this blog post about integrative healthcare, CAM, naturopathy and homeopathy in detail. I've included what they encompass, when they are used, their history in Australia, as well as the number of people practicing, … [Read more...] about Homeopathy and Naturopathy…How do they differ?
Mental Health Nutrition
You feel what you Eat! Improve your psychological and social wellbeing, mood, happiness, coping skills, relationship satisfaction, and self-worth with sound nutrition and supporting supplements. It is not unusual for any of us to suffer at times from feeling anxious, stress, a stress headache, anxiety disorders symptoms, sleep disorders, anxiety attacks, severe anxiety, chronic depression, and depression symptoms. It can be part of the ups and downs of normal life and more recently has been made more prevalent by the current COVID 19 times that are now part … [Read more...] about Mental Health Nutrition
7 Reasons to see a Holistic Counselling Therapist including Anxiety and Learning Difficulties
Ask what is the definition of anxiety and you'll get many answers Anxiety, fear, depression, bullying, low self-esteem, difficult social interactions, and learning difficulties can all be interconnected and all fit the definition of anxiety. They are a big part of the life of many adults and children. Exposure to different types of stresses during childhood development may be associated with hyperactivity and possible depression, anxiety disorders, sleep disturbance, and/or aggression at a later stage of life. Today’s life is quite challenging for our … [Read more...] about 7 Reasons to see a Holistic Counselling Therapist including Anxiety and Learning Difficulties
Probiotics benefits, drawbacks, nutrition
Achieving happy digestive balance through nutrition and homeopathy Probiotics benefits: can have a powerful affect on our gut and overall health. BUT there is an enormous range of different probiotic strains, found in foods as well as products. How do we know which foods and products will benefit us? Our gut microflora Food has an influence over which types of micro-organisms colonise our gut. Our gut flora are responsible for a large proportion of not only digestion, but energy levels, moods and most importantly, immune function. I’m talking mainly about the … [Read more...] about Probiotics benefits, drawbacks, nutrition
Cardamom Coconut Custard and Choc Chia plus health benefits
This cardamom recipe appeals to me more than what seems normal! Maybe it’s the mad alliteration. Perhaps it’s because cardamom is a traditional medicine and I like that. We even have a new homeopathic remedy made from it. But really who cares, it tastes great. Cardamom seeds There are between 8 and 16 seeds in each cardamom pod. You have to cut it or bash it with a rolling pin to split open the pod to get at the seeds. Then if you are wanting to use the seeds for a recipe, it's good to know that they will pretty quickly lose their flavour when ground and exposed … [Read more...] about Cardamom Coconut Custard and Choc Chia plus health benefits
The Mysteries of Homeopathy and what I tell my clients
How does Homeopathy work? One of the reasons homeopathy can be so tricky to grasp is because it requires a leap of understanding of concepts. Concepts which are outside the box of mainstream science. Many people dismiss homeopathy outright because we homeopaths use highly diluted substances of all kinds. How could anything so diluted possibly have any effect on the body? It’s no wonder homeopathy is such an enormous stretch for those steeped in mainstream science. But here’s the thing. Homeopathy may not happily be acknowledged by the limited orthodox view. … [Read more...] about The Mysteries of Homeopathy and what I tell my clients
Allergies relieved with Homeopathy
Homeopathy Highly Successful in Hay fever and other Respiratory Allergic conditions. A four year respiratory allergies trial in an Italian Integrated Medical Centre showed 75% of hay fever patients had experienced marked improvement after only 8 weeks homeopathic treatment. Many of these patients reported complete resolution of symptoms. Of note was the reduced reliance on conventional drugs and marked improvement in quality of life. Forty percent of patients with perennial respiratory allergies (eg. asthma, bronchitis, or rhinitis) showed similar levels of … [Read more...] about Allergies relieved with Homeopathy