There are some practical ways to help a fearful child that without even knowing it, every parent will probably make use of. They will model situations when the child should be fearful and when the child should be cautious. Touching the hot stove top and crossing the road are two examples. Fear is necessary, to keep the child from harm. However, children can develop fears of situations or objects that aren’t actually threatening. These childhood fears and anxieties may change as the child grows up. Helping the child to deal with fear includes taking their … [Read more...] about Practical Ways To Help A Fearful Child
Chamomilla for teething. When to use it?
Chamomilla for teething is part of the the homeopathic first aid kit around the world. Seeing a dose or two of the homeopathic remedy Chamomilla change a fractious child into a calm child is something not soon forgotten. Teething symptoms fade and the pain lessens in such a smooth and simple way that Chamomilla for teething has earned a reputation worldwide. It is used successfully so often by parents and homeopaths that we can all be forgiven for thinking of it as a specific remedy for teething. Yet sometimes there are other teething remedies that may be more … [Read more...] about Chamomilla for teething. When to use it?
Crying in Newborns
One of the main discussions I have had and continue to have with Mums is the issue of crying in newborns. Crying is such an integral part of our being and a very necessary one. We can cry tears of happiness, sadness, rage, relief, disbelief, awe, jealousy, guilt, pain. There are so many emotions that can bring tears to the eyes. We all know that a good cry can bring with it a huge sense of relief and release. Mother nature is clever…..way too clever to perfect something that is so instinctive for it not to be useful and necessary!! Crying is Normal A little … [Read more...] about Crying in Newborns
Homeopathy for eczema and allergies
Henry’s mum felt guilty - she saw her child suffering, he was always scratching. She wondered if they were doing enough, and this drove her on to see one specialist after another. She felt singled out when well meaning people in the street would make suggestions, as if she hadn’t already tried everything. Part of Henry's story is told in this excerpt from a recently published ATMS journal article, A Cup of Tea in the Consulting Room: The Latest in Homoeopathy about Eczema and Allergies. The authors Linda Beaver (LB) and Linlee Jordan (LJ) shared a conversation … [Read more...] about Homeopathy for eczema and allergies
Is My Dairy Free Child Getting Enough Calcium?
Is my DAIRY FREE child getting enough Calcium?? I am often advising and reassuring parents about their child’s dietary intake of Calcium. If your child is DAIRY FREE because of recurrent ear infections, mucous-y coughs and colds, lactose intolerance, digestive disturbances, constipation, allergies or dietary preferences you may also be asking the question. “Are they getting enough dietary calcium?” The good news is that there are many non-dairy dietary sources of CALCIUM. In fact NON-DAIRY sources can actually be a healthier more nutritious option. Many … [Read more...] about Is My Dairy Free Child Getting Enough Calcium?
Night Terrors and Homeopathy
Sweet Dreams with Homeopathy Those parents who have witnessed their child go through night terrors know exactly how traumatic an experience it can be. You hear your child cry out in that chilling shriek; you rush in and turn on the light, knowing there’s not a lot you can do but try to bring them gradually out of their unreachable oblivion which seems to last forever. Then your child screams at something just over your left shoulder and you feel your skin prickle, wondering what on earth it is that your child can see,because the only thing you can see when … [Read more...] about Night Terrors and Homeopathy
Resilience Through Suffering From A Homeopathic Perspective
From Suffering to Strength with Homeopathy Nobody likes to suffer. Even before we’re born we are exposed to our mothers’ stress hormones; we startle from loud noises even whilst inside the womb and are powerless to prevent drugs, chemicals or other toxins to enter our developing bodies through the umbilical cord. From the moment we’re born into the world, suffering is inevitable. First there are sensations such as hunger, cold, heat, loneliness, fear and overstimulation when we are tiny babies. Maybe we have colic, or other digestive disturbances as our tummies … [Read more...] about Resilience Through Suffering From A Homeopathic Perspective
Book review: Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering
I would like to recommend to all pregnant mums-to-be, Dr Sarah Buckley's book: Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering. It is a Doctor's guide to natural childbirth and gentle early parenting choices. Sarah is a trained family physician/GP and mother of four. Without telling you what to do, Sarah outlines many issues that need to be addressed prior to labour. She gives an unbiased view and offers possible options. Her section on the third stage of labour is absolutely wonderful. So often, a natural third stage is very unrecognised, undermined, and speeded up in a … [Read more...] about Book review: Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering
Television and Children: Limiting Screen Time, Teaching Good TV Habits
When it comes to television and children: limiting screen time, teaching good TV habits may both be parental controls that are long overdue. Most kids plug into the world of television long before they enter school. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF): Two-thirds of infants and toddlers watch a screen an average of 2 hours a day Kids under age 6 watch an average of about 2 hours of screen media a day, primarily TV and videos or DVDs Kids and teens 8 to 18 years spend nearly 4 hours a day in front of a TV screen and almost 2 additional hours … [Read more...] about Television and Children: Limiting Screen Time, Teaching Good TV Habits
Anger at Children
5 ways to keep the peace and deal with: Anger at Children Did you read the title of Anger at Children and think it was written just for you? Are you sick of screaming at the kids? Here are some strategies to create more peace at home with thanks to Dr. Rosina McAlpine. 1. Calm starts with you… Mum’s often feel guilty about taking time out for themselves, but if you’re tired and stressed then any little thing can set you off! So, now you can have guilt-free time to yourself and know you’re supporting peace for the whole family. 2. Say ‘yes’ more often… Saying … [Read more...] about Anger at Children