Is my DAIRY FREE child getting enough Calcium?? I am often advising and reassuring parents about their child’s dietary intake of Calcium. If your child is DAIRY FREE because of recurrent ear infections, mucous-y coughs and colds, lactose intolerance, digestive disturbances, constipation, allergies or dietary preferences you may also be asking the question. “Are they getting enough dietary calcium?” The good news is that there are many non-dairy dietary sources of CALCIUM. In fact NON-DAIRY sources can actually be a healthier more nutritious option. Many … [Read more...] about Is My Dairy Free Child Getting Enough Calcium?
Night Terrors and Homeopathy
Sweet Dreams with Homeopathy Those parents who have witnessed their child go through night terrors know exactly how traumatic an experience it can be. You hear your child cry out in that chilling shriek; you rush in and turn on the light, knowing there’s not a lot you can do but try to bring them gradually out of their unreachable oblivion which seems to last forever. Then your child screams at something just over your left shoulder and you feel your skin prickle, wondering what on earth it is that your child can see,because the only thing you can see when … [Read more...] about Night Terrors and Homeopathy
Homeopathy for Impetigo
Impetigo is a contagious skin complaint known as 'school sores', which is caused by staphylococcus and/or streptococcus. It might start with tender red spots around the mouth which turn into little blisters which later go crusty. In our homeopathy clinic, it's a frequently asked question: Can we use homeopathy for impetigo? Since it's such a common complaint it's a relief to know that homeopathy is commonly used to treat it. Treatment should be started as soon as it's realised that the skin problem is impetigo. The first homeopathic remedies we … [Read more...] about Homeopathy for Impetigo
Making glue ear sexy with homeopathy
OK, so glue ear isn’t exactly the new black when it comes to sexy diseases. We have homeopathic heroes all around the world making huge waves doing things that are much more exciting, such as homeopath extraordinaire Jeremy Sherr traipsing the backwaters of Africa treating people with Malaria and AIDS. I recently attended a very inspiring conference where Jeremy told his amazing story. Then there’s homeopath Rajan Sankaran in India, who has devised a very fascinating and innovative method to treat people with all manner of emotional and spiritual issues. … [Read more...] about Making glue ear sexy with homeopathy
Could Homeopathy help avert the coming Antibiotic Resistance crisis?
The History of Antibiotics Most of us would be aware of the life-saving effect antibiotics have had on literally millions of people since they were first manufactured on a wide scale in the 1940’s. It is a very recent discovery when you think about what the many previous generations would have used instead over the history of mankind. What many of us may not be aware of is that the word “antibiotic” can be applied to all kinds of different substances. In fact, Penicillin and many other conventional antibiotics are actually often derived from … [Read more...] about Could Homeopathy help avert the coming Antibiotic Resistance crisis?
Resilience Through Suffering From A Homeopathic Perspective
From Suffering to Strength with Homeopathy Nobody likes to suffer. Even before we’re born we are exposed to our mothers’ stress hormones; we startle from loud noises even whilst inside the womb and are powerless to prevent drugs, chemicals or other toxins to enter our developing bodies through the umbilical cord. From the moment we’re born into the world, suffering is inevitable. First there are sensations such as hunger, cold, heat, loneliness, fear and overstimulation when we are tiny babies. Maybe we have colic, or other digestive disturbances as our tummies … [Read more...] about Resilience Through Suffering From A Homeopathic Perspective
Self-medicating in homeopathy: is there a place for it?
Ask any homeopath if they have self-medicated at any time in their lives, and it’s highly likely they will look a little guilty and admit that, yes they have taken a homeopathic remedy or given their loved ones remedies without consulting their own homeopath. Homeopaths are a naturally curious bunch and most of us at some stage or another have explored various remedies for themselves. Self-medicating in homeopathy: is there a place for it? There is a saying that a doctor should never write his own prescriptions, so is homeopathy any different? If so, how? Is it … [Read more...] about Self-medicating in homeopathy: is there a place for it?
Television and Children: Limiting Screen Time, Teaching Good TV Habits
When it comes to television and children: limiting screen time, teaching good TV habits may both be parental controls that are long overdue. Most kids plug into the world of television long before they enter school. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF): Two-thirds of infants and toddlers watch a screen an average of 2 hours a day Kids under age 6 watch an average of about 2 hours of screen media a day, primarily TV and videos or DVDs Kids and teens 8 to 18 years spend nearly 4 hours a day in front of a TV screen and almost 2 additional hours … [Read more...] about Television and Children: Limiting Screen Time, Teaching Good TV Habits
Challenging Children: Success with Homeopathy
One of the great strengths of Homeopathy is the treatment of behavioural problems. The history of homeopathy shows that it is not only in recent times that Homeopathy has laid claim to being able to help challenging children. As far back as 1842, Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of Homeopathy, described a 14-year-old-girl who was treated because she “spoke irrationally, could not work, rapidly gets in a rage and beats everyone, and became as if mad”. After three months using the remedies Belladonna, Hyoscyamus and Sulphur she “became a healthy, rational, amiable … [Read more...] about Challenging Children: Success with Homeopathy
Anger at Children
5 ways to keep the peace and deal with: Anger at Children Did you read the title of Anger at Children and think it was written just for you? Are you sick of screaming at the kids? Here are some strategies to create more peace at home with thanks to Dr. Rosina McAlpine. 1. Calm starts with you… Mum’s often feel guilty about taking time out for themselves, but if you’re tired and stressed then any little thing can set you off! So, now you can have guilt-free time to yourself and know you’re supporting peace for the whole family. 2. Say ‘yes’ more often… Saying … [Read more...] about Anger at Children