PRESS RELEASE The Harbord Homeopathic Clinic, a Brookvale-based natural health clinic, will be initiating the first homeopathic Internship program in Australia, beginning in February of 2016. “We’ve always had students come through the clinic, but this is our first intern” says Linlee Jordan. Lorena Mattiolo joined the Harbord Clinic as an intern starting Monday, February 5th. She has been involved with the practice through her homeopathy education at Endeavour College in years past, and is very excited to participate as an intern now. “I feel that I … [Read more...] about HHC Pilot Intern Program
Is There Too Much Sugar in Your Day?
You don’t need to be eating lollies, cakes, biscuits, slices, muffins, ice cream, and chocolates, or drinking soft drinks to be consuming too much sugar; there are many types of sugar in many types of foods. Most people are suprised by the amount of sugar that is in what are considered ‘healthy’ or ‘natural’ foods. Health conscious people are attracted to labeling that says ‘natural’, ‘organic’, ‘low fat’ ‘no added-sugar’ but sometimes these food products can have just as much sugar as their processed equivalents. I was always reading labels, checking … [Read more...] about Is There Too Much Sugar in Your Day?
The Different Names for Sugar
The Different Names for Sugar 1. Barley malt 2. Barbados sugar 3. Beet sugar 4. Brown sugar 5. Buttered syrup 6. Cane juice 7. Cane sugar 8. Caramel 9. Corn syrup 10. Corn syrup solids 11. Confectioner’s sugar 12. Carob syrup 13. Castor sugar 14. Date sugar 15. Dehydrated cane juice 16. Demerara sugar 17. Dextran 18. Dextrose 19. Diastatic malt 20. Diatase 21. Ethyl maltol 22. Free Flowing Brown Sugars 23. Fructose 24. Fruit juice 25. Fruit juice concentrate 26. Galactose 27. … [Read more...] about The Different Names for Sugar
If I Don’t Eat Wheat, What Can I Eat??
The thought of excluding wheat-containing foods for most people seems impossible, but many people are now choosing a wheat-free diet. Scientific research is now giving us many good reasons to avoid wheat-containing products as they are increasing the potential for a surprising number of health problems. Obesity, Heart Disease, Coeliac’s Disease, Systemic Inflammation of the Immune System, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) are all aggravated by wheat. Wheat increases blood sugar, aggravates and inflames our intestines and … [Read more...] about If I Don’t Eat Wheat, What Can I Eat??
The Problem with Eating Wheat
WHEAT is in so many foods we eat. Some of us - especially our children - are eating it for breakfast, lunch and dinner! A typical Aussie day may include Wheat Bix, cereals, toast, crumpets, pancakes, muffins, biscuits, crackers, cakes, sandwiches, rolls, wraps, pies, pastries, pasta, pizzas and noodles. The thought of excluding these foods for most people seems impossible. But many people are now choosing a wheat-free diet. Scientific research is now giving us many good reasons to avoid wheat containing products, as they are increasing the potential for a … [Read more...] about The Problem with Eating Wheat
Is My Dairy Free Child Getting Enough Calcium?
Is my DAIRY FREE child getting enough Calcium?? I am often advising and reassuring parents about their child’s dietary intake of Calcium. If your child is DAIRY FREE because of recurrent ear infections, mucous-y coughs and colds, lactose intolerance, digestive disturbances, constipation, allergies or dietary preferences you may also be asking the question. “Are they getting enough dietary calcium?” The good news is that there are many non-dairy dietary sources of CALCIUM. In fact NON-DAIRY sources can actually be a healthier more nutritious option. Many … [Read more...] about Is My Dairy Free Child Getting Enough Calcium?
Television and Children: Limiting Screen Time, Teaching Good TV Habits
When it comes to television and children: limiting screen time, teaching good TV habits may both be parental controls that are long overdue. Most kids plug into the world of television long before they enter school. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF): Two-thirds of infants and toddlers watch a screen an average of 2 hours a day Kids under age 6 watch an average of about 2 hours of screen media a day, primarily TV and videos or DVDs Kids and teens 8 to 18 years spend nearly 4 hours a day in front of a TV screen and almost 2 additional hours … [Read more...] about Television and Children: Limiting Screen Time, Teaching Good TV Habits
Anger at Children
5 ways to keep the peace and deal with: Anger at Children Did you read the title of Anger at Children and think it was written just for you? Are you sick of screaming at the kids? Here are some strategies to create more peace at home with thanks to Dr. Rosina McAlpine. 1. Calm starts with you… Mum’s often feel guilty about taking time out for themselves, but if you’re tired and stressed then any little thing can set you off! So, now you can have guilt-free time to yourself and know you’re supporting peace for the whole family. 2. Say ‘yes’ more often… Saying … [Read more...] about Anger at Children