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Treat Your Child Yourself: A Parent's Guide to Drug Free Solutions for Common Complaints - 3rd Edition (Gamble)
Treat Your Child Yourself: A Parent's Guide to Drug Free Solutions for Common Complaints - 3rd Edition (Gamble)
This book has been written for all parents who are looking for drug-free solutions for their children. The authors are Australian homeopaths, Jon Gamble and Nyema Hermiston.
Parents are often their child's best practitioners and this book has been written for parents who want to feel more confident in understanding and treating their children's symptoms - whether it's an accident, a cold, fever, digestive upset or allergy. The daily stuff of child health. Some more serious conditions are also included, so that parents can take first steps towards addressing these.
From a traditional medical perspective, managing childhood ailments involves a medicine for the complaint: something for a fever, nasal spray for sneezing, cortisone cream for a skin rash and antibiotics for infections. When parents are taught to treat their babies and young children with medicines, they learn to rely on them and for the most part, many are quite happy with this.
However, many children do not tolerate these, leaving parents to seek other solutions. Where do they go? Invariably, it is a path that parents have to beat for themselves. The parents who bring their children to alternative therapists are very well informed. This book is therefore not only a collection of the successful experience of the authors and their years of practice, but it is also enriched by information from diligent parents seeking the best solutions for their children.
This book is intended to provide effective treatment. in the place of medicines. For some, it will be their first taste of using homeopathic remedies. It also includes practical measures for each condition, and some herbal and other tips that have been found useful and effective.
The authors say, "We hope that this book instils confidence in parents to treat something like a fever, knowing that it plays a vital role in fighting infection. Our whole community, from the household to the consulting room, has lost a large body of skill and knowledge that families once used, when medical care was less accessible - and they had homeopathic remedy kits on hand. (There were once three homeopathic hospitals in Australia!) We hope that this book offers new treatment options for you."
It is of course, necessary at times for every child to receive medical attention. This book provides first-step home remedies and then indicates when professional and medical help is needed.
Paperback: 80 Pages
ISBN: 978-0-9752473-5-8