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Autism Reversal Toolbox - 2nd Revised Edition: Strategies, Remedies, Rescources (Kantor)
Autism Reversal Toolbox - 2nd Revised Edition: Strategies, Remedies, Rescources (Kantor)
Building on the work in of Henny Heudens-Mast, Peter Fraser and Louis Klein, Autism Reversal Toolbox leads homeopathy and miasmatic theory into the age of auto-immunity.
In the most comprehensive book to date on the homeopathic treatment of autism, Jerry Kantor introduces a master plan, the Sine Wave Method, offering a diverse range of tools. The toolbox contains (and improves on) the strongest existing approaches plus an expanded arsenal of useful remedies. Clinically successful on a consistent basis, the Sine Wave method also commits to a mission: evolving increasingly potent strategies to understand, eliminate and prevent autism spectrum disorder.
Parents as well as professionals will gain a great deal from this book, as it includes dozens of interventions they can do at home (nutritional supplements, Qi Gong massage, grounding, interactive play) and advice on how to find a homeopath who can treat their autistic child.
The professional homeopath will learn:
- why our toxic environment makes it difficult to use classical homeopathy alone for the multifactorial condition of autism
- the most extensive available materia medica for autism, including foundational polychrests, Inspiring Homeopathy remedies, Lanthanides, gases, Gem Essences, Meditative Proving remedies, and Color and Sound remedies
- specific methods for handling aggravations, healing crises, and gut issues
- a new twist on the classic Never Well Since analysis: Farah Gron’s Environmental Never Well Since method to address environmental toxic insults
- use of the Unda numbers and gemmotherapy for detox and drainage.
The book also includes:
- eight detailed cases indicating how to change remedy or potency
- guidance on avoiding aggravations in the CEASE method (the reason parents tend to avoid this highly effective method)
- an understanding of autism based on Traditional Chinese Medicine
- an introduction to the Homotoxicology approach of Reckeweg
- insights into the brain biochemistry behind autism.
214 Pages
ISBN: 978-9-0761-8952-9