Homeopathy Highly Successful in Hay fever and other Respiratory Allergic conditions.
A four year respiratory allergies trial in an Italian Integrated Medical Centre showed 75% of hay fever patients had experienced marked improvement after only 8 weeks homeopathic treatment. Many of these patients reported complete resolution of symptoms.
Of note was the reduced reliance on conventional drugs and marked improvement in quality of life. Forty percent of patients with perennial respiratory allergies (eg. asthma, bronchitis, or rhinitis) showed similar levels of sustained improvement.
These improvements were maintained throughout the 2 year follow-up period, with many patients returning for further homeopathic treatment of other conditions.
Conventional drug use was significantly reduced after 2 years, with the added benefit of reduced cost of treatment, as noted by the participants.
Homeopathic treatment consisted of individually tailored therapeutic and constitutional remedies. The therapeutic remedies are based on the specific physical symptoms of the allergy, while the constitutional remedies, designed to support the ‘totality’ of the patient, were based on more general symptoms and patient characteristics.
References about allergies relieved with homeopathy
Improved quality of life and reduction of conventional drugs in allergic patients treated with homeopathy, was published in HRI Research in Focus, Issue 31 Summer 2016. www.HRI-research.org
Ferreri R, Bernardini S, Pulcri R, Cracolici F, Rinaldi M, Porciani C. Improved quality of life and reduction of conventional drugs in allergic patients treated with homeopathy. HRI Research in Focus, Issue 31 Summer 2016. www.HRI-research.org
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